Good day guys, My name is Michael Adebambo and this is is the first article on my hashnode blog and first under the WHAT I LEARNT series. So this series is about documenting what I learnt everyday from the books I read to Articles and write-ups online, my coding experience ( yeah I'm currently learning front-end Development) and anything i feel I could share with you or discuss. I'm going be sectioning this articles into different parts based the following headings
đź“ťArticles X blog-posts
đź“ťA billion ideas and random thoughts. So this is how it's going to be on subsequent days to come.
What did I learn today ?
I continued reading REWORK : change the way you work forever by Jason Friedman and Daniel Hanneman Hansson the founders of Basecamp. I read one chapter.
It would be a combination of citations, my point of views from the book.
This chapter focuses on the SOCIAL sphere or part of a business. It give strong opinions on marketing, your products, building an audience and I would say things that has to with external parties. This chapter has sub chapters so I'll state points from each chapters
🌟 Welcome obscurity: As a business, a writer, developer, student, no one knows who you are right now, you are in the shadows, it's obscure for you and you should take advantage of that ; try out new things even if you mess up no one knows, take big bets, test random ideas and tweak things, it helps protect your ego and preserves confidence. You will only have one chance to be obscure... One people start noticing you, you have to worry about not embarrassing yourself while doing stuffs.
🌟 Build an audience : Building audience is one if the hardest thing while buildi a product, a lot of company dip into their budget anytime they want to make an announcement because they don't have an audience. An audience is the most receptive group of customers and potential customers you’ll ever have. When you build an audience, you don’t have to buy people’s attention—they give it to you. This is a huge advantage.
🌟 Out-teach your competition Instead of trying to outspend, outsell, or outsponsor competitors, try to out-teach them. Teaching probably isn’t something your competitors are even thinking about. Most businesses focus on selling or servicing, but teaching never even occurs to them. Teach and you’ll form a bond you just don’t get from traditional marketing tactics. Big companies can't afford to teach because there is a lot of things in a red tape and are propietry that's your chance of promotion your company you don't have to outspend everytime, instead out-teach.
🌟Emulate chefs As a business owner, you should share everything you know too. Don’t be afraid of sharing. What do you do? What are your “recipes”? What’s your “cookbook”? What can you tell the world about how you operate that’s informative, educational, and promotional? Tell them how your business really works and give them a backstage experience you will Develop deeper bond and build a loyal audience.
🌟 Drug dealers get it right Drug dealers are astute business people. They know their product is so good they’re willing to give a little away for free upfront. They know you’ll be back for more—with money. Give a bit size of your product for free, if you're not confident enough the you need to work on your product.
🌟 Marketing is not a department: what if you treated every activity in your company as marketing from custom service, sending emails and even someone using your product take every chance you have to marketing your company not giving a particular department to handle it.
🌟 The myth of the overnight sensation : You will not be a big hit right away. You will not get rich quick. You are not so special that everyone else will instantly pay attention. No one cares about you. At least not yet. Get used to it. Trade the dream of overnight success for slow, measured growth. It’s hard, but you have to be patient. Start building your audience today. Start getting people interested in what you have to say.
Articles X blogposts
I read about the Solana Blockchain on binance academy and here's what I want learnt the consensus Solana uses and what it aims to achieve. According to binance academy ;Solana is a blockchain network focused on fast transactions and high throughput. It uses a unique method of ordering transactions to improve its speed.
🚀Founded in 2017 by Anatoly Yakovenko from Solana Labs
🚀 It uses two consensus which is proof of stake and proof oh history
🚀 It's native currency is SOL which is useful for:
• Paying for transaction fees incurred when using the network or smart contracts.
•Staking tokens as part of the Proof of Stake consensus mechanism
You can read the article here too Solana
I'm currently focusing on learning Javascript so I did some lessons on sololearn, built a landing page and started reading CSS animations because I needed to improve my CSS skills especially animations and design
Closing thoughts: I was quite productive today, but I'm still learning time management and prioritizing my tasks in order of importance... You can also share what you learnt today with me. See you tomorrow đź‘‹.